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Англо-русский словарь - sweat


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Перевод с английского языка sweat на русский

 1. noun
 1) пот, испарина; in a sweat - весь в поту; all of a sweat - взмокший от пота [см. тж. sweat
 4) ]
 2) потение
 3) coll. тяжелый труд
 4) coll. волнение, беспокойство; all of a sweat - взволнованный или испуганный [см. тж. sweat
 1) ]
 5) запотевание, выделение или осаждение влаги (на поверхности чего-л.) in/by the sweat of ones brow/face - в поте лица своего
 2. v.
 1) потеть; to sweat blood - работать до изнеможения; to sweat with fear - обливаться холодным потом от страха
 2) заставлять потеть; to sweat a horse - загнать лошадь
 3) coll. трудиться, потеть (над чем-л.) (for); Well, the other team won the prize, but we made them sweat for it!
 4) coll. эксплуатировать
 5) страдать; волноваться; испытывать раздражение или нетерпение
 6) выделять влагу; сыреть; запотевать (о стекле)
 7) amer.; sl. допрашивать с применением пыток
 8) tech. припаивать (in, on) - sweat off - sweat out
SWEAT off потерять вес, пропотев; In the steam bath, he sweated off two pounds in an hour.
 а) coll. вымогать; вымаливать;
 б) избавляться; to sweat out a cold пропотеть, чтобы избавиться от простуды;
 в) coll. выдерживать (до конца)
SWEAT suit sport тренировочный костюм
SWEAT shirt бумажный спортивный свитер
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См. в других словарях

  1. пот, испарина to break into a sweat —- покрыться потом he is dripping with sweat —- с него пот градом льется in a sweat —- в поту, вспотевший all of a sweat —- весь взмокший от пота, обливающийся потом in a cold sweat —- в холодном поту bloody sweat —- кровавый пот by (in) the sweat of one's brow —- библ. в поте лица (своего) 2. потение a good sweat will cure your cold —- чтобы избавиться от простуды, вам надо хорошенько пропотеть 3. запотевание, влажный налет (на поверхности чего-л.); выпот the drink was so cold that there immediately appeared sweat on the glass —- напиток был такой холодный, что рюмка тотчас же запотела 4. разг. изнурительный труд a lot of sweat went into that job —- над этой работой пришлось немало попотеть I can't stand the sweat of it —- я не могу вынести этой каторжной работы 5. разг. беспокойство, волнение, тревога in a sweat —- в волнении, в тревоге; в ярости to be in a cold sweat —- быть в ужасе, обливаться холодным потом от страха 6. трудность, затруднение that's going to be a sweat —- это будет трудно осуществить no sweat! —- не беспокойтесь!, это легче легкого!; все в порядке to do smth. without rising a sweat —- сделать что-л. без всякого труда 7. разминка, проминка (лошади перед скачками) 8. ферментация (листьев табака, чая и т. п.) 9. пайка, паяние Id: old sweat —- бывалый солдат; бывалый человек,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  пот ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) пот 2) перен. изнурительный, тяжелый труд 2. гл. 1) жестоко эксплуатировать 2) платить голодную зарплату ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выпотевание 2) выпотевать 3) оплавлять слегка 4) потение 5) швицевальный 6) швицовать - sweat pit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) выпот выпотевать 2) метал. ликвация 3) удалять из парафина масло выпотеванием, выпотевать [обезмасливать] парафин 4) мн. ч. парафиновые отёки; отпотевшее масло 5) оплавляться (об огнеупоре) 6) ферментация табака to sweat out — выпотевать - tin sweat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 moisture exuded through the pores of the skin, esp. from heat or nervousness. 2 a state or period of sweating. 3 colloq. a state of anxiety (was in a sweat about it). 4 colloq. a drudgery, effort. b a laborious task or undertaking. 5 condensed moisture on a surface. --v. (past and past part. sweated or US sweat) 1 intr. exude sweat; perspire. 2 intr. be terrified, suffering, etc. 3 intr. (of a wall etc.) exhibit surface moisture. 4 intr. drudge, toil. 5 tr. heat (meat or vegetables) slowly in fat or water to extract the juices. 6 tr. emit (blood, gum, etc.) like sweat. 7 tr. make (a horse, athlete, etc.) sweat by exercise. 8 tr. a cause to drudge or toil. b (as sweated adj.) (of goods, workers, or labour) produced by or subjected to long hours under poor conditions. 9 tr. subject (hides or tobacco) to fermentation in manufacturing. Phrases and idioms by the sweat of one's brow by one's own hard work. no sweat colloq. there is no need to worry. sweat-band a band of absorbent material inside a hat or round a wrist etc. to soak up sweat. sweat blood colloq. 1 work strenuously. 2 be extremely anxious. sweat gland Anat. a spiral tubular gland below the skin secreting sweat. sweating-sickness an epidemic fever with sweating prevalent in England in the 15th-16th c. sweat it out colloq. endure a difficult experience to the end. Etymology: ME swet(e), alt. (after swete v. f. OE sw{aelig}tan OHG sweizzen roast) of swote f. OE swat f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ or ~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English sweten, from Old English sw?tan, from swat ~; akin to Old High German sweiz ~, Latin sudare to ~, Greek hidros ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to excrete moisture in visible quantities through the openings of the ~ glands ; perspire  b. to labor or exert oneself so as to cause perspiration  2.  a. to emit or exude moisture cheese ~s in ripening  b. to gather surface moisture in beads as a result of condensation stones ~ at night  c.  (1) ferment  (2) putrefy  3. to undergo anxiety or mental or emotional distress ~ through final exams  4. to become exuded through pores or a porous surface ; ooze  transitive verb  1. to emit or seem to emit from pores ; exude  2. to manipulate or produce by hard work or drudgery  3. to get rid of or lose (weight) by or as if by ~ing or being ~ed  4. to make wet with perspiration  5.  a. to cause to excrete moisture from the skin  b. to drive hard ; overwork  c. to exact work from at low wages and under unfair or unhealthful conditions  d. slang to give the third degree to  6. to cause to exude or lose moisture; especially to subject (as tobacco leaves) to fermentation  7.  a. to extract something valuable from by unfair or dishonest means ; fleece  b. to remove particles of metal from (a coin) by abrasion  8.  a. to heat (as solder) so as to melt and cause to run especially between surfaces to unite them; also to unite by such means ~ a pipe joint  b. to heat so as to extract an easily fusible constituent ~ bismuth ore  c. to saute in a covered vessel until natural juices are exuded  9. slang to worry about doesn't ~ the small stuff — Barry McDermott  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. hard work ; drudgery  2. the fluid excreted from the ~ glands of the skin ; perspiration  3. moisture issuing from or gathering in drops on a surface  4.  a. the condition of one ~ing or ~ed  b. a spell of ~ing  5. a state of anxiety or impatience  6. plural  a. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sweats, sweating, sweated) 1. Sweat is the salty colourless liquid which comes through your skin when you are hot, ill, or afraid. Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes... N-UNCOUNT 2. When you sweat, sweat comes through your skin. Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them. VERB: V • sweating ...symptoms such as sweating, irritability, anxiety and depression. N-UNCOUNT 3. If someone is in a sweat, they are sweating a lot. Every morning I would break out in a sweat... I really don’t feel a bit sick, no night sweats, no fevers. N-COUNT 4. If someone is in a cold sweat or in a sweat, they feel frightened or embarrassed. The very thought brought me out in a cold sweat. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link ADJ 5. to sweat blood: see blood ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »LIQUID FROM SKIN« to have liquid coming out through your skin, especially because you are hot or frightened  (I was sweating after the long climb. | sweat heavily/profusely (=sweat a lot) | sweat like a pig informal (=sweat a lot) | sweat buckets informal (=sweat a lot)) 2 »WORK« informal to work hard  (For years she had struggled and sweated to keep the family fed.) + over  (Tim really sweated over that thesis.) sweat blood (=work very hard) 3 »WORRY« informal to be anxious, nervous, or worried about something  (We were all really sweating as we waited for the results. | Don't tell them yet - let them sweat a bit first!) 4 don't sweat it AmE spoken used to tell someone not to worry about something  (Don't sweat it, I'll lend you the money.) 5 don't sweat the small stuff AmE spoken used to tell someone not to worry about unimportant things 6 sweat bullets AmE informal to be very worried, anxious, or frightened 7 »PRODUCE LIQUID« if something such as cheese sweats, liquid from inside appears on its surface 8 »COOK« BrE to heat food gently in a little water or fat  (Sweat the vegetables until the juices run out.) sweat sth out phr v 1 sweat it out a) to continue doing something until it is finished, even though it is difficult  (You can't leave the course now. Just sweat it out until the summer.) b) to do hard physical exercise  (They were sweating it out in the gym.) 2 to get rid of an illness by making yourself sweat a lot 3 sweat your guts out informal to work very hard, especially using physical effort  (I've sweated my guts out trying to get this shed built on time.) 4 sweat sth out of sb AmE informal to find out information from someone by asking lots of questions in a threatening way  (Finally they sweated the other names out of him.) sweat sth off phr v to lose weight by sweating a lot  (He sweated off two pounds in the sauna.) ~2 n 1 »LIQUID ON SKIN« liquid that comes out through your skin when you are hot, frightened, or doing exercise  (Ian came off the squash court dripping with sweat. |...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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